Imagine this scenario. You’re going in for surgery for a malignant tumor found in your bladder. After the operation, you’re told that they “got it all”, but then
Though Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is now well over a century old and has been clinically approved for treating various cancers, most oncologists view it as a relatively new form of cancer
Two years ago, European media sources published a story about a scientist who was running in the London Marathon to raise funds for some groundbreaking cancer research. That scientist was
When it comes to treating cancer, the first-line of attack from a conventional standpoint is to cut out the disease using surgery. One of the problems with surgery, however, is that
The common condition known as “heartburn” results in a burning pain or discomfort that typically moves from the stomach to the chest or even up to the throat.
Surgery is a potentially curative treatment for tumors found in the bile ducts, the ducts that carry bile from the liver and gall bladder to the intestines. The
Bladder cancer has been called the world’s most expensive cancer, and for good reason: It has the highest lifetime treatment costs per patient of any cancer. Even after
Surgery has long been regarded as the only effective treatment for cancer of the pancreas. Unfortunately, surgery is not an option for eight out of every ten cases